Overcoming Fear of Funding the Nonprofit God Has Called You To

Let's learn how to put the fun back in funding together.

Reaching out for funding is scary. The most resistance is felt when asked to reach out to people you already know.

I speak from experience, and I see this daily in my clients. 2015 was an extremely difficult year in my life and my nonprofit journey. Nothing had been happening on the Kenyan side for several years. Ebola struck Africa in 2014 and left me with the decision that God was calling me to close my business to focus on the girls of Kenya full time.

As the breadwinner in my family all my life, that did not sit well with me. I can just work harder and longer. I can do both. I don’t need to ask other people for help. My life was reflecting a different story - working harder and longer and faster ended me in the hospital, children's difficulties, and a speeding ticket!

I remember sitting on a couch in a hotel room at a women’s retreat when I should have been in session. But I couldn’t stop trying to figure out a way forward for myself that didn’t involve reaching out to my family/friends for help. Someone challenged me - “Why will you not ask others for help?

I shared various excuses similar to the above while crying. She gently exposed the truth. The real reason is you want to do this yourself. Pride is stopping you from allowing God to bless you.

Basic funding pillar #2 reaching out to individuals first being family and friends.

Know, like, trust is a well-known principle in business and it’s true in nonprofit funding as well. Before people will give, they have to know you. They have to like you. And they have to trust you.

What better place to start than family and friends?

Don’t let emotional resistance keep you from the best sources of funding you have available to you to start. You can do this!

You may need some help with keeping the right mindset and/or the strategy and what to present and how but YOU CAN DO THIS! Don’t allow fear and pride to stop you like I did for so long.

Romans 8:31 reminds us “…. If God is for us, who can be against us?” Let’s stand strong in our identity on Christ and overcome the mindsets keeping you stuck. Let’s get moving on funding all that God has called you to!

Reach out today and let’s get you moving! Let’s see where you are, where you believe God wants you to go, and figure the fastest way to get you there! 

Comment “I’M IN” below for more details.

Categories: : funding